Welcome To Rathore Clinic & Diabetic Center
Dr BM Rathore is an Eminent Family Physician and Diabetes Specialist of the region. His commitment for patient care is well known. He possess an International Post Graduate Diabetes Certificate from UK-Diabetes United Kingdom. He is a Member of College of Physician & Surgeon Pakistan. He has Diploma in Diabetes and Certified in Management of Diabetic Foot Care. His overall experience is around 20 years and good availability at Rathore Clinic & Diabetic Center makes him the leading Diabetes Specialist & family physician of the region.
Dr BM Rathore is well known for providing services in Diabetes, Family Medicine, Executive Check Up, Prevention & Care of Lifestyle, Thyroid Disorder, Geriatric care, Hypertension (Blood Pressure), Liver Diseases, Sleep Disorder, and Infectious Diseases.
Dr. BM Rathore
What We Treat

Family Medicine

Diabetes / Sugar

Gynecology / Women Health

Pediatricians (Child Specialist)
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Meet the Specialist Doctors

Dr. BM Rathore
Dr. BM Rathore

Dr. Sareeka Rathore
Dr. Sareeka Rathore
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What our Patients Say

Mr. Rufi Shehzada

Dr. Mazhar Khaimisani

Mr. Afzal Khan