Dr. BM Rathore
Dr BM Rathore is an Eminent Family Physician and Diabetes Specialist of the region. His commitment for patient care is well known. He is a Specialist Family Physician & Diabetes Specialist. He possess an International Post Graduate Diabetes Certificate from UK-Diabetes United Kingdom. He is a member of college of physician & Surgeon Pakistan. He has diploma in Diabetes and Certified in Management of Diabetic Foot Care. His overall experience is around 20 years and good availability at Rathore Clinic & Diabetic Center makes him the leading Diabetes Specialist & family physician of the region.
Dr. Rathore is well known for providing services in Diabetes, Family Medicine, General Check Up, Prevention & Care of Lifestyle, Thyroid Disorder, geriatric care, Hypertension (Blood Pressure), Liver Diseases, Sleep Disorder, and Infectious Diseases.
- Rathore Clinic & Diabetic Center, Karachi as Specialist Family Physician & Diabetologist from 2000 till Present
- AGA KHAN UNIVERSITY Hospital Karachi from 2018 till Present
- National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Karachi as Medical Officer
- Macter International Limited, Karachi as Project Manager
- MBBS from Liaquat Medical College Jamshoro
- MCPS from Member of College of Physician & Surgeons Pakistan
- Diploma In Diabetes from Baqai Institute of Diabetes & Endocrinology, Karachi
- Post-graduate Diploma from UK-diabetes from United Kingdom
- MBA (Health Management) from Institute of Business Management, Karachi